Enterprise Rent-A-Car x The Corner x MadeWithUs

Working with our lovely friends over at The Corner we animated a plethora of social films for their client Enterprise.
We popped up screens, made GUIs, animated type, and much much more for this huge campaign.
The team created masters for reversioning in several languages across Europe as well as creating the Spanish, French and German versions too.

Here is just a selection of the hundreds of 15 and 6 second YouTube films, 6 seconds cut downs, Instagram, Pinterest versions, flavours, and sizes including 16x9, 2x3, 1x1, 9x16, and 4x5.

English Versions

Some of the 15 second English films from the campaign:


Brand: Enterprise
Agency: The Corner
Post, Editing, Motion Graphics and Animation: MadeWithUs


Natwest Payit


George At Asda