Estée Lauder x James Goldcrown - Valentine’s Day Commercials and Films

For Valentine’s Day, Estée Lauder has collaborated with street artist James Goldcrown to launch the ‘Love Colourfully Collection’.  Goldcrown is known around the world for his instantly recognisable ‘Bleeding Hearts/Lovewall’ murals.  This limited edition makeup collection features Goldcrown’s famous graffiti hearts in bright, primary colours.

Bunny Kinney directed this colourful set of films through our friends at Streeters. We created and designed titles and a toolkit of assets using specially sprayed hearts that James sprayed on the day of the shoot. We comped them into camera tracks and lipstick confetti explosions. Our first project for Estee Lauder we really loved making grungy frenetic feel and old school film stock used by Bunny to promote this collaboration.

The usual social cut down suspects were created too - 60s, 30s, 15s and 6s at 16x9, 1x1 and 9x16, texted and textless for two territories - that’s a lot of alts!

Stills and Alts

The alt versions in Portrait and Square formats and a selection of stills from the HD films including: Motion Graphics, 3D, Graphic Design, green screen work, VFX, compositing and titles.


Client: Estée Lauder and @jgoldcrown,
Agency: Streeters
Director: Bunny Kinney
Producer: Sasha Respinger
Creative Direction and Editing: Emily McDonald
Offline Edit: Homespun
Animation and Motion Graphics: James Cook and Mark Todd @ MadeWithUs
Animation Producer: Claire Plaskow @ MadeWithUs

#jamesgoldcrown #Esteelauder #ELCfamily #motiongraphics #madewithus #vintage #grungy #polaroid #makeup


Mac Cosmetics

