Zebra Apps. Easing Data Collection and Donating Food.

The brief was to create two videos, one that promotes and explains TAAP’s Food Donation application and how the partnership between Zebra and TAAP delivers huge benefits in terms of reusing surplus food. The other, in the same style, was to help promote and explains Norris Print-Tech’s MotoScan application and how it can be used by resellers and customers to ease the data collection process to enhance accuracy, optimise efficiencies and boost productivity.

The films would see interviews with Tony Leach (TAAP) and Jacob Norris (Norris Print-Tech) explaining their products and what they aim to achieve with them in the future. The live action interviews are complimented with explainer animations over their voices.

Designed, animated and directed by James using bright colours, a minimal palette - complimenting Zebra's brand and simple animated illustrations. The motion graphics follow a less conventional approach to explainer films and move more to a simpler leaning towards the abstract side of story telling.

Case Study

MadeWithUs was delighted for the opportunity to produce these animations for Zebra and The Word Works. We champion ingenuity and any form of charitable causes. The TAAP app is beautifully simple and has provided to date 10 million meals from 3000 stores in the UK. Heres hoping it gets snapped up and implimented in many more shops and retail stores.

Styling and Animation 

We developed characters (hands) oh and a motorbike stuntman too, that showed diversity, and also added to the narrative by having different coloured skin for the different actors in the animation. Blue for the story teller and/or client, orange for the charity and grocer and green for the people receiving food donations.


Less than two weeks to storyboard, illustrate, animate, add music, edit and grade was never going to be an easy task although we knew we wanted to help tell these stories in a clean and creative way. We jumped at the challenge.
Created in Illustrator and After Effects we used textures, grain and a cel animation boil effect to create a hand drawn look to the animation. Some scenes are playing at 5fps and others 10fps. The products such as the Zebra Scanner are rotoscoped photos. We wanted to draw the viewers attention to the main sections of the story and so keeping the product real and not illustrated was the answer. Any secondary elements in each scene is either outlined or semi transparent.

The End Results

The client was delighted to have their stories told and explained simply with a great edit, music, colourful and helpful motion graphics.


Client Zebra
Agency The Word Works
Produced by Dai Davison @ The Word Works and MadeWithUs
Directed by James Cook
Written by The Word Works, Dai and James
Illustrated by James Cook
Animation by James Cook
Edit by Matt
Music is Annie by Ben Beiny

Norris Print-Tech's Motoscan App Film.


6th Avenue x Jack Crossing


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